Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Cricket Related Fights!

This is for cricket lovers who are interested in debates where sparks fly!!!! I request the Bloggers to give their comments after reading the content pointed to, by both the LINKS!?!?!

Following link points to a REDIFF reader's article ( titled "BackChat: Shut up and get out, Prem Panicker") published nearly 2 years back. The reader, Kishan Jhanjharia is a big supporter of Sourav Ganguly and abused the REDIFF cricket editor, Mr. Prem Panicker, to a great extent.

My STRONG rebuttal to Kishen's views (titled "Of injuries, sham and otherwise") were also published in the REDIFF site, few days later!! Pl. see following link!

0 மறுமொழிகள்:

நன்றி நண்பரே !

வருகை தந்தமைக்கு நன்றி! உங்கள் மேலான கருத்துக்களை எதிர்பார்க்கிறேன்!
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